Through every game I play I look for something in particular, an experience. The collaboration of stunning visuals, enthralling story and gripping game play are what make a game for me.  The greatest games are the ones that inspire my imagination, they’re the ones about which I feel compelled to write.

And write about them I have, both professionally and non-professionally. In 2011, I was contracted by Ubisoft Divertissement’s Inc. to be a contributing writer for the Assassin’s Creed Encyclopaedia. The book was published in November 2011, and I discovered that I had a passion for writing about the games that I love. As a long running side-project, I have been writing a novelization of the award winning MMORPG GuildWars: Nightfall. This personal project has been my attempt to incorporate gameplay elements, lore and characters into a single, coherent narrative.

The in-progress narrative has allowed me to tell the world about a game that captivated me by detailing the story, the gameplay and the richness of an experience that I thoroughly enjoyed. This in-depth and enthusiastic approach is one that I bring to any new game experience I encounter. And as I make my way through the open beta of Dragon’s Prophet I can already say that I can’t wait to tell everyone about this game.